Government Shipping Services

Government Shipping Services

US flag with US-Flagged Service caption海运集装箱和散装货物进出美国.S. West Coast is easy and fast on U.S.-flagged vessels with 澳博体育app下载’s Hawaii, Guam/Micronesia, Japan, and Alaska services. 澳博体育app下载提供业界最快的运输,每周服务和专用终端,更快的货物访问.

澳博体育app下载 is a long-time partner of the U.S. 美国运输司令部(USTC)和军事水面部署和分配司令部(SDDC)联合管理,是澳博体育app下载地区领先的班轮运营商,每月表现得分一直被USTC/SDDC评为“优秀”.

Superior Service Schedules and Transit Times

  • 每14天就有6个航班从西海岸抵达夏威夷,比其他任何航空公司都多.
    • 澳博体育app的时刻表包括每周两次从北加州出发的航班.
    • From Southern California, 澳博体育app下载 offers twice-weekly service, 每周六和周三从长滩直航到檀香山.
    • 此外,澳博体育app每周六提供从澳博体育app下载西北部出发的航班.
  • 集装箱船服务到阿拉斯加的港口比其他任何承运人都多.
    • 澳博体育app下载's Alaska service provides twice weekly, 塔科马之间每天都有服务, Anchorage, and Kodiak.
    • 澳博体育app还提供塔科马和荷兰港之间的每周服务.
  • 从美国到关岛/密克罗尼西亚/帕劳/瓜贾林岛的最快过境时间.S. West Coast.
    • 澳博体育app下载 offers weekly service between the U.S. West Coast and Guam.
    • Service to Kwajalein is twice monthly.
  • Weekly service between Naha, Okinawa and the U.S. West Coast.
    • 每周服务到冲绳那霸港,作为澳博体育app加急的一部分 China-Long Beach Express (CLX)服务,澳博体育app下载提供从美国到美国的中转时间.S. 西海岸比竞争对手最多快4天.
    • 从塔科马西行到那霸需要21天, 18 days from Oakland, 17 days from Long Beach, and 10 days from Honolulu.
    • 从那哈向东行驶到长滩需要14天,到奥克兰需要17天,到塔科马需要33天.

Westbound Transit Times

Port Frequency Long Beach Oakland Tacoma
Honolulu 3x weekly 4 days 4 days 7 days
Guam 1x weekly 13 days 14 days 17 days
Naha 1x weekly 17 days 18 days 21 days
Kwajalein 2x monthly 30 days 31 days 33 days

Northbound Transit Times

Port Frequency Tacoma
Anchorage 2x weekly 4 days
Kodiak 2x weekly 5 days
Dutch Harbor 1x weekly 7 days


美森提供澳博体育app支持,简化了整个货运过程. By calling one toll-free number, 1-888-8MATSON (1-888-862-8766), federal, military, 或其他政府澳博体育app可以快速方便地获得与美森做生意的任何方面的信息, including rate quotations, booking, billing, schedules, equipment needs, shipment status, and resolution.

Cargo Visibility - 24/7 Access Online

为了增加方便,澳博体育app下载提供联邦,军事和其他政府航运澳博体育app online access to book, track, and handle their shipment information needs. Through the use of customized booking templates, 顾客可以通过最少的“点击”完成预订." Shipment tracking 允许澳博体育app在整个运输过程中跟踪集装箱的状态.

Other online features include account balance information, tariffs, vessel schedules, submission of billing instructions, and retrieval of billing documents. 该网站还为澳博体育app提供了澳博体育app账户专家以协助交易的选项.

Intermodal Service from Any U.S. Point of Origin

In addition to our ocean transportation services, 美森可以安排从出发地到目的地的全程运输 connecting rail and/or truck services 用于军事运输或政府运输,从西海岸以外的地方出发或目的地.

简化运输过程中使用澳博体育app安排整个移动或从夏威夷, Guam, Micronesia, Palau, Kwajalein, Japan, Alaska, and the U.S. West Coast regardless of the point of origin.

Specialized Services

澳博体育app下载可以根据您的需求定制政府航运和军事货运服务. 除了澳博体育app的海洋运输和澳博体育app支持功能, 澳博体育app的产品包括专用集装箱设备和电子数据交换(EDI)。.

  • Oversized and Non-Containerized Freight Shipments
    U.S. 海岸警卫队巡逻艇准备登上一艘澳博体育app船作为澳博体育app政府航运服务的一部分.澳博体育app下载 can transport oversized freight 这超过了集装箱或平板架的尺寸,或超过了设备的限制, including oversized vehicles or heavy machinery. 澳博体育app在运输一次性货物和大型项目移动方面具有专业知识, 这需要仔细协调运输,以达到特定的和及时的时间表.
  • Hazardous Goods
  • 个人采购用品(PPM)和家庭用品(HHG) 
    澳博体育app下载每年运送数千个家庭,并有数十年的经验,为军队和美国军队运送集装箱中的家庭用品.S. government to and from the U.S. mainland, Hawaii, Guam, Alaska, and Okinawa.

    • 澳博体育app提供全面保护的钢制海运集装箱,确保家庭用品在海运途中的安全.
    • 澳博体育app的澳博体育app服务团队可以帮助家庭决定什么尺寸的集装箱是适合他们的移动.
    • 家庭或他们的搬运工打包集装箱,澳博体育app下载将其运送到澳博体育app下载彼岸,准时到达,没有任何意外.
  • 车辆运输-私家车(POV)
    澳博体育app有更多的经验为消费者运送车辆, manufacturers, businesses, military personnel, and the U.S. government than any other carrier in the Pacific. 澳博体育app每年运送数千辆澳博体育app下载和卡车往返于美国.S. mainland, Hawaii, Guam, and Alaska in specially designed auto frames, in containers, or in secure garage stowage.

    • U.S. military and government personnel can easily book additional vehicles online, anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
    • Shipping a vehicle 与澳博体育app提供安心与准时到达, helpful customer service, 专门的澳博体育app下载停车场,方便下车和上车, and online vehicle tracking.
    • 澳博体育app下载 offers competitive rates to ship vehicles. View our pricing for more details.
    • 澳博体育app下载 has dedicated auto lots 帮助澳博体育app避免附近航站楼的拥堵,确保快捷方便的上下车.
    • 了解更多关于运输澳博体育app下载与美森或获得免费报价, call our customer service team at 1-800-462-8766

Special Projects

  • One Time Only (OTO) and Unit Moves
    U.S. military frieght aboard a 澳博体育app下载 ship.澳博体育app下载 has a long-history of moving U.S. 政府货物穿越澳博体育app下载到达阿拉斯加的主要目的地, Hawaii, Guam, Kwajalein, Okinawa, and other parts of the South Pacific. 澳博体育app在OTO和单位移动方面有经验,包括在非常紧张的时间内将大量超大设备一起移动到偏远地区. 澳博体育app与美森物流合作,提供所有必要的服务:从起点到目的地的设备处理, blocking/bracing/lashing on flatracks, rail and truck transportation, and ocean shipping. 澳博体育app下载还与其他航运公司合作,在全球范围内整合服务,以满足澳博体育app军队和其他美国航运公司的需求.S. government customers.

For free quotes, more information on military freight, federal transport, or government shipping, or to place a booking, 请致电澳博体育app澳博体育app服务及政府服务小组联络 1-888-8MATSON (1-888-862-8766) or email